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Showing posts with the label arthritis

Stop That Pain!!

As a crafter, have you ever gotten a sore shoulder from repetitive motions or an achy back from sitting for hours at an all-day scrapbook crop?  Yep, I am guilty!  Or maybe you suffer from arthritis, joint pain or other minor aches that make it impossible to enjoy your favorite activities and hobbies.  We have found an incredible topical pain reliever for you called Stopain !! 1 of every 5 people in the U.S. suffers from some type of arthritis and it affects 3 times as many women as men.  May is National Arthritis Awareness Month and Stopain is an Arthritis Foundation sponsor, donating a portion of the proceeds for every product sold in 2011 (with a minimum contribution of $25,000). We love this! Stopain comes in four different formulations; Spray, Extra-Strength Spray, Roll-On, and Gel.  We were thrilled to be able to try the Extra-Strength Spray.  Seriously, if you have ever used a messy topical pain reliever a spray is very intriguing!  Stopain Cold 4 oz. Spray Extra Strength