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Trick or Treat Giveaway Hop!

The hop is now over and it's time for the big reveal. *cue the howling ghosts, please*.....

You may remember that the hint for our giveaway was something that may sparkle when you put it in the sun. If you guessed vampires from the Twilight series, you are correct!! The winner will receive Stephanie Meyer's eclipse on audio 13 CD set (ARV $57). Depending upon whether you like the Twilight series or not, this may be a trick or a treat.

The winner will also receive a 3 knife set by RC Willey (ARV $10). This could be a real trick depending upon how you look at it! Eeek!

Thanks to everyone who entered! Check your email to see if you are the winner!!

Happy Halloween!

Welcome to the Trick or Treat Giveaway Hop!  Each blog participating in this event is offering a prize worth at least $50.... but you won't know what you get until the hop has ended.  It's like a Halloween surprise! Don't worry, however, as each blog will be giving away some really great prizes and they might even give you a little hint as to what you might win.

Here at Artsy Chaos, we're offering a prize that may sparkle if you put it in the sun. *hint hint*  

To enter, just use the Rafflecopter form below. There are TONS of ways to earn entries! Be sure that your java is up to date and be patient, it may be slow to load.  If you are unable to see the Rafflecopter form or the GFC widget to follow, please refresh the page and that will usually do the trick!


Dominique said…
I had two favorite Halloween costumes. One was Minnie Mouse, and the other was the Bride of Frankenstein. My mom made them, as she did with all our costumes. And they always came out good. And every year we would win costume contests.

couponcookie at gmail dot com
jcwega27 said…
Tammy Lacer said…
My favorite costume was Strawberry Shortcake. Who knew she would be so popular after I had my daughters.
Kristie Betts said…
My favorite costume when I was a kid was very simple.... a black kitty cat :)

Momsfreebies (at) Yahoo (dot) com
Dorine White said…
Whatever it is that sparkles in the sun sounds wonderful.
Shannon Thompson said…
my favorite costume is dead doll i have been it for the last ten years..

Julie D. said…
When I was a kid, my favorite costume was a fairy princess.
luckyjd2k at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
I love the fairy costumes
Unknown said…
I love Witch costumes you can be alot of different styles of a witch
(Velvet Hubler)
LauraJJ said…
My favorite costume was Dorothy from the Wizard Of Oz!
Roxanne K said…
My favorite costume was when I was the Toothfairy!
Ashley said…
I loved my princess costume.
katsrus said…
A cat costume is my favorite.
Sue B
I was Hermione Granger one year when I was younger. That was fun.

Maria T said…
race girl!!!
Michele P. said…
my favorite was a zombie costume we did years ago, it was very cool and so real looking...
Mia J. said…
My favorite was a scary witch.
maryjaco1 said…
50's poodle skirt
maria g said…
I loved being a vampire for halloween, i think that i dressed like a vampire as a child four or five times!

hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com
Andrea said…
My favorite was when we dressed our son as Superman (his name is Clark). :)
Veronica said…
My favorite all-time Halloween costume is the classic look of a Witch :)
Tara W said…
my favorite was the witch.
Judy said…
I like the pirate costumes the best.

Judy said…
This looks like it is going to be a great giveaway and so many entries.

Sherry said…
I loved my witch costume.
Jennifer Rote said…
My favorite costume is my Cat Woman costume.

wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com
aurora M. said…
Trick or Treat!
I love my Harry Potter robes....I wear them even when it's not Halloween! haha
AndreaH said…
My favorite costume was the time I dressed as an 80s rocker.

davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com
corey1971 said…
My favorite was when I went as R2D2 when I was 6 or 7 (the year Star Wars first came am I old!)
TonyaHopkins said…
My Fav is the Vampire

Rafflecoptor as Tonya H
Unknown said…
My favorite one I've ever seen was a girl in a renaissance princess dress with a beautiful pair of pearly wings. It was so ethereal, and beautiful!
Gracellen said…
The year my Mom hand made my Dorothy costume from The Wizard of Oz and my father colored our whole walk way in yellow chalk that morning so my mom could take pictures of me on the Yellow Brick Road. :)
Charity said…
My favorite costume was when I was little I was Hupty Dumpty. I don't remember because I was so little but I looked so cute in the pics I have.
Anonymous said…
Although I was too young to remember my favorite pictures are when my parents dressed me up as a Pound Puppy one Halloween :)
~April~ said…
I have always liked pirate costumes.
Unknown said…
My fave was Annie Oakley.
Rafflecopter - happi shopr
Juana said…
My favorite costume is an angel.

HolliLynn said…
I have a small thing for princess costumes.
Alison Tolar said…
My favorite costume that I have had is last years. I was little red riding hood.
June M. said…
Favorite Halloween costume has always been witches or vampires.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Megan McGowan Parsons said…
Favorite costume is gothic fairy
Lala77 said…
my favorite costume was a robot costume that my dad made by putting a small box on top of a big one and covering it with tin foil and using electrical tape around the eye holes and various things for buttons.

Thank you,
bookloon at gmail dot com
Pauline MIlner said…
My favourite Halloween costume was when our Son was 3 and I made him a grape costume. He looked so cute as a bunch of grapes with a green leaf hat and brown leggings. We got a lot of compliments.

Thanks for participating in this giveaway. ~Pauline
Tonya Dean said…
I like fairies the most.

Heather said…
don't know. I like a turkey for my son, or bumblebee/ladybug for my daughter
vickie said…
my favorite halloween costume my aunt made for me. it was a home made rainbow brite costume she sewed it in two days and even made the wig it was so awesome. vbarton24 aT GMAIL DOT COM
Shannau said…
One I made for my son using gauge and dying it in tea to make him into a mummy. And he glowed in the dark as well! shanna.u at gmail dot com
blord7777 said…
my favorite costume was my plastic masked snoopy costume
amybrown16 said…
My favorite Halloween costume that I ever wore was when I dressed up as an M&M.

amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com
Sophia Chang said…
I loved when an ex and I dressed like Mr. and Mrs. Smith, complete with toy AK-47's.
Anonymous said…
!fav was a cat woman!
Mandy D. said…
My favorite costume was the homemade Pirate Girl that I made for my daughter when she was an infant. It was so adorable and came complete with a parrot on her shoulder.
lewalk said…
I went as Alice in Wonderland one year and loved it. I had long blonde hair so it was perfect for me.

Courtney said…
My favorite costume was the queen of hearts playing card, I think I was about 11.

Courtney Desormeaux
cjabdelnour said…
I like my bride or princess costume. Cheryl
jenzen69 said…
my fave costume was the pregnant nun i always win best costume when i wear it
Toni said…
my favorite costume was a gypsy costume
Becca said…
My favorite childhood costume was Big Bird. Thanks!
nicolesender said…
My favorite costume was Snow White.
Frugaldoodlebug said…
favorite childhood costume was a witch. favorite adult costume was mimi from the drew carey show
Kimberly said…
Once - way back in the day - I was a disco dancer, complete with satin pants!!
kcoud33 at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
I'm losing my mind :P I thought I did this too.
My fave costume was the one my mother hand sewed. It was a really warm kangaroo when I was younger and the pouch was what I put the candy in. She took one of her blankets and worked a while on it. She did an awesome job!
langleylove at gmail dot com
Jacqui Odell said…
Lmbrunken said…
Love fairy princesses
polly said…
my favorite was a nurse costume...loved the medical kit!
Karrieann said… favorite costume was the one that I wore when I was 12 years. My Momma create this beautiful butterfly costume with wings bigger than myself, out of wires and beautiful fabric. This was 1972!
Penny Kathleen said…
My favorite costume was Wonder Woman! So cool!

pkbw28 at gmail dot com
Jessica Peeling said…
My favorite was one of the costumes my mother made me when I was little -- A Gangar Pokemon, complete with hula hoop and tons of purple looked spot on!
Michigan_Mom said…
My favorite costume has always been a witch :) It's never outlived and has so many varieties!

Kelly Burroughs Crowell
LB said…
Strawberry Shortcake when I was inKindergarten
Cass said…
My favorite costume as a kid was a ghost costume. My favorite one now is the Cowboy costume I made my oldest when he was 1.
Tara said…
I never was allowed to dress up for Halloween lol But if I could of.. it would of been anything princess! :)

Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
shirley said…
I loved the Dorothy outfit from OZ, that I had.
Unknown said…
My favorite costume is a scary witch.
Nicole Carter said…
I like the adult whooopie cushion.
Nicole Carter
Nicole Carter said…
The Fall Fashionista Event is awesome! Thank you!
Nicole Carter
Shelly Peterson said…
my favorite costumes were the ones my grandma and mom made us when we were kids
Unknown said…
My favorite costume is a Cruella DeVile costume.
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com
Erin said…
For me: Scarlet O'Hara (The BBQ dress from the first scene) - we rented it.

My daughter: Alice in Wonderland (she was 2 - last year)

My Son: He's going to be the eleventh doctor this year (Doctor Who). My son is 14 months old...

e.ringwald @
Laurie said…
zombie princess
Amanda said…
My fave was a witch
Stephanie Grant said…
Love the Pirate Costume!
Anonymous said…
Mine was a bunny costume my sister made me wilcarvic
Ruth said…
I dressed up as little orphan Annie two years in a row, and I loved it!
Toni said…
my favorite costume is a pirate
skgaff said…
I got to be a princess and loved it!

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