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Endo Review and Giveaway!

We're so excited to introduce you to Endo!

Endo is here for all your outdoor t-shirt needs with incredible graphic designs to wear.  Cyclist?  Camper?  They're here for us all.  Seriously, what's better than a bright yellow tee with a huge tricycle on it?  Yes, a huge yellow real tricycle would be nice but hey, you couldn't wear that and it would undoubtedly be much harder to come by!

We were happy to discover that the Endo t-shirt is longer than some which is definitely a bonus.  You know, no risk of the bad "low rise jeans - shorter tee - don't bend over or sit" dilemma.  It's also pretty dang soft and comfy.

In addition to this great t-shirt, Endo also sent their logo tote bag.  These kind of backpack tote bags, or "man bags" as all the local teens call them (because all the boys in junior high have them!) are perfect for a light backpack to carry a water bottle, camera, cell phone, snacks, etc., for an impromptu hike, nature walk or trip to the park.

You can learn more about Endo on Facebook and on Twitter where they often hold contests.  They also have a calender of upcoming events that they will be participating in on their Facebook page.  Be sure to add them!  You can also visit them in their Etsy Shop to buy your own fabulous t-shirt for the outdoors plus enter here to win a t-shirt and backpack tote bag!

The giveaway portion of this post is now CLOSED. 
Winner is


Just follow these rules to enter the giveaway.  Be sure to leave your email in your comments if it isn't in your profile so I can find you if you win.  Thanks!

*1) Visit Endo and leave a comment on this post with your favorite design or something you learned about Wear Endo.

EARN EXTRA ENTRIES, complete as many as you like:
*2)  Like Wear Endo on Facebook.  Leave a comment and include your Facebook name (first name, last initial).  Please feel free to leave a comment on their Facebook wall if you would like.
*3)  Follow Wear Endo on Twitter.  Leave a comment and include your twitter name. 
*4)  Follow @ArtsyChaos on Twitter.  Leave a comment and include your twitter name.
*5)  Like the Artsy Chaos Facebook fan page.  Leave a comment and include your facebook name.
*6)  Add Endo to your Etsy Favorite shops.  Leave a comment with your Etsy name.
*7)  Follow Artsy Chaos with Google Friend Connect (in the right sidebar--->).  Let me know you follow.
*8)  Tweet this giveaway using the button below the post.  Leave the URL to your tweet!  You can tweet once daily if you'd like, just come back and leave a comment to let me know.  Or, if you'd prefer, share on facebook or another social networking site. Just leave the URL in a comment and let me know (once daily).

And don't forget!!  If you replace your old ratty t-shirts with new snazzy ones from Endo, make a camp blanket with your old ones.  Check out the Artsy Chaos T-Shirt Camp Blanket Tutorial.

Giveaway ends April 9, 2011 at 11:59 pm MST.  Be sure to leave your email or  have it in your blogger profile so we can find you if you win.  Open to residents of the US and Canada who are 18+.  Winner will be selected by a true random generator.  Winner must respond to winning email in 48  hours or a new winner will be selected.  A complimentary t-shirt and backpack tote bag were provided by Endo for purposes of a review and no other compensation was received.  Only honest and unbiased opinions are published.  Thank you to Wear Endo for providing the giveaway prize(s).


amanda said…
i LOVE the brown giant half bike shirt! thanks for entering my giveaways at !
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
amanda said…
wear endo facebook fan (yours to win)
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
amanda said…
i follow you on twitter @yourstowin
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
amanda said…
i like you on facebook (yours to win)
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
amanda said…
gfc follower
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
amanda said…
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
Debbie said… is my favorite shirt. My hubby would love it.

Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
Debbie said…
I'm a follower of Artsy Chaos.

Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
Debbie said…
I like Wear Endo on facebook. Debbie P.

Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
Mommy Minded said…
I like the giant yellow trike tee!

mommyminded at gmail dot com
Mommy Minded said…
I follow via GFC!

mommyminded at gmail dot com
Nina said…
Oooh! Oooh! I love that yellow 'I sleep on the ground' tee!
Nina said…
Following Endo on twitter @lolanevermind
Nina said…
following artsychaos on twitter @lolanevermind
Nina said…
following artsychaos on GFC
Nina said…
and added endo to my etsy favs (ninamn22)
Jinx said…
would love a chance to win!
I adore this shirt:

Jinx said…
liked Wear Endo
on facebook

Ashley W
Maude Lynn said…
I like the Sleep on the Ground tee!
Lianne said…
I love the Grey Big Bike T!!!
lizziebees at hotmail dot com
aimee said…
Love the giant trike design. :)
aimee_johnson at mcad dot edu
aimee said…
New follower of your blog!
aimee_johnson at mcad dot edu
aimee said…
'Hearted' the etsy shop as aimeehj. Cute tees!
aimee_johnson at mcad dot edu
Erin Aviles said…
I actually like the tricycle t-shirt the best. How convenient!
Erin Aviles said…
I added Endo to my favorite Etsy shops. My Etsy name is ErinG.
Erin Aviles said…
I'm following!
Marija said…
I love the "I Sleep on the Ground" shirt!

marija.majerle at gmail dot com
Marija said…
following you on twitter @mrsclutterbuck

marija.majerle at gmail dot com
Marija said…
following wear endo on twitter @mrsclutterbuck

marija.majerle at gmail dot com
Marija said…
added Endo to my etsy favorites- username bokononist

marija.majerle at gmail dot com
Me said…
My favorite is: The Brown Giant Half Bike
Elizabeth said…
I became a fan of your blog.

My favorite item in your store is the The Brown Giant Half Bike tee shirt!

Also, my e-mail address is
Wehaf said…
I love the "All Your Bikes In a Row" Tshirt design!

urchiken at gmail dot com
Elizabeth said…
I just promoted you on my blog!
Elizabeth said…
I made you a favorite on my etsy account!
Elizabeth said…
I liked you on Facebook
Elizabeth said…
I am following you on Twitter. My user name is e_abraham1
Amber said…
All Your Bikes In a Row is my favorite design!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said…
I like Wear Endo on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said…
I like Artsy Chaos on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said…
I heart Wear Endo on Etsy - my Etsy name is Hurdler4eva
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said…
I follow your blog publicly with google friend connect
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said…
I tweeted, I'm @AmberGoo:
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Karen said…
Such cute shirts! My favorite is the bikes-in-a-row.
Windowfog said…
My favorite design is the All Your Bikes in a Row one! But I love bike designs in general :D.

windowfog [at] gmail [dot] com
Unknown said…
i like the grey big bike tee

JuneBug said…
This would be perfect for my cycling family... I like the "all your bikes in a row" shirt. Do they do kids' shirts??? (I guess under "request a size")
JuneBug said…
I like Endo on Facebook!
Sarah said…
The tricycle t-shirt is definitely my favorite.

Chelsea Street said…
I love the All Your Bikes In a Row Tshirt, but my favorite really is the yellow giant tricycle. Thanks for the giveaway!
Taleah said…
I love the bikes in a row shirt! taleah AT roknor DOT com
Taleah said…
I follow you on GFC! taleah AT roknor DOT com
sw said…
I like the Grey Big Bike tee!

sarahwolcheski at yahoo dot com
Karliiiiita said…
I visit endo and my favorite design is Bike Evolution Pullover Hoodie.
Karliiiiita said…
I Like Wear Endo on Facebook.My facebook name is karla camille ancheta foronda
Karliiiiita said…
I Follow Wear Endo on Twitter. twitter name:camilleforonda
Karliiiiita said…
I Follow @ArtsyChaos on Twitter. twitter name:camilleforonda
Karliiiiita said…
I Like the Artsy Chaos Facebook fan page.facebook name:karla camille ancheta foronda
Karliiiiita said…
I follow Artsy Chaos with Google Friend Connect:)
Erin S said…
I like the Gray Big Bike!
Erin S said…
Endo Twitter follower @3sonshavei
Erin S said…
Twitter follower @3sonshavei
Erin S said…
GFC: Erinn Sluka
Erin S said…
4/4 tweet!/3sonshavei/status/55122701655875584
christy said…
in addition to liking the tricycle shirt, i like the bike evolution shirt
mvegan said…
love the tricycle and half bike!
mom2girls said…
I love this: The Bike Evolution One MEDIUM Mens as would my husband who is a avid bike rider :)
Heathery said…
I love the bike evolution t-shirt!
Jacqueline said…
i loooove the i sleep on the ground hoodie!
.laura said…
My favorite design is the Grey Big Bike tshirt
baazinga9 at yahoo dot com
.laura said…
I like Wear Endo on Facebook
laura clark
baazinga9 at yahoo dot com
.laura said…
I like Artsy Chaos Facebook fan page on Facebook
laura clark
baazinga9 at yahoo dot com
.laura said…
I follow Wear Endo on Twitter
baazinga9 at yahoo dot com
.laura said…
I follow ArtsyChaos on Twitter
baazinga9 at yahoo dot com
.laura said…
I added Endo to my favorite Etsy Shops

baazinga9 at yahoo dot com
.laura said…

baazinga9 at yahoo dot com
Erin S said…
4/5 tweet!/3sonshavei/status/55488843545186304
Nicole said…
I've loved this shop since the first day i saw it!
I love the brown giant half bike shirt
my email is nicole at knitnicoleknit dot com
Nicole said…
I am following you on twitter with @knitnicoleknit
my email is nicole at knitnicoleknit dot com
Nicole said…
I liked Wear Endo on facebook! my name is Nicole D.
my email is nicole at knitnicoleknit dot com
Nicole said…
My name on etsy is knitnicoleknit and I added wear endo to my favourites
my email is nicole at knitnicoleknit dot com
Lily said…
I love the All Your Bikes In a Row Tshirt!
Lilyhoot at gmail dot com
Lily said…
I follow Wear Endo on twitter, @slowclublover.
Lilyhoot at gmail dot com
Lily said…
I follow you on twitter, @slowclublover.
Lilyhoot at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said…
My favorite is the bike evolution shirt
skklemm at gmail dot com
Stacha Deni said…
I love the All Your Bikes In a Row Tshirt!
centuries said…
I think the giant yellow tricycle is the cutest!!!!
Erin S said…
4/6 tweet!/3sonshavei/status/55805860265472000
Emily Taylor said…
Love the All Your Bikes in a Row t-shirt.

nordstromemily at hotmail dot com
Emily Taylor said…
I liked Endo on Facebook. (Emily T)

nordstromemily at hotmail dot com
Emily Taylor said…
I added Endo Etsy to my favorites. (penelope plum)

nordstromemily at hotmail dot com
Emily Taylor said…
I follow GFC.

nordstromemily at hotmail dot com
Katie said…
I love the giant half bike.
Sarah B. said…
I really like The Giant Half Bike One Tshirt - too cute!

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
Sarah B. said…
I heart their shop! (yesteacher)

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
Sarah B. said…
I follow artsychaos on twitter (@yes_teacher)

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
Sarah B. said…
I follow wearendo on twitter (@yes_teacher)

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
Sarah B. said…
I follow your blog via GFC :)

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com
Erin S said…
4/7 tweet!/3sonshavei/status/56165970154233856
elaine said…
I like the womens Giant Half Bike Tee,size large.

Elaine R
Lisa said…
Although Endo is based in Salt Lake City, they are not Mormon.
Tiffany said…
My favorite is The Yellow Giant Tricycle One Tshirt!
Erin S said…
4/8 tweet!/3sonshavei/status/56480670821789697
Vanessa said…
I love the "all your bikes in a row" shirt.
tearyeyedstars said…
I like the Grey Big Bike (:
ejhtan at gmail dot com
tearyeyedstars said…
Liked their fb page (Et TheALien)
ejhtan at gmail dot com
tearyeyedstars said…
Following them on twitter (@tearyeyedstars)
ejhtan at gmail dot com
tearyeyedstars said…
Following you on twitter (@tearyeyedstars)
ejhtan at gmail dot com
tearyeyedstars said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
tearyeyedstars said…
Liked you on fb (Et TheAlien)
ejhtan at gmail dot com
tearyeyedstars said…
Favourited their shop (tearyeyedstars)
ejhtan at gmail dot com
tearyeyedstars said…
Following via gfc (tearyeyedstars)
ejhtan at gmail dot com
tearyeyedstars said…
ejhtan at gmail dot com
Diana said…
I like the all your bikes in a row tshirt
Diana said…
I follow on gFC
Diana said…
I like Wear Endo on FB
Diana said…
I follow Wear Endo on Twitter
Diana said…
I follow Wear Endo on Twitter
Diana said…
I follow Artsy Chaos on Twitter
Diana said…
I like Artsy Chaos on FB
Diana H
jayedee said…
thank you for hosting this great giveaway!

i love the All Your Bikes In a Row men's tee.
jayedee said…
i like wear endo on fb - jayedee halpin dewitt
jayedee said…
i follow wear endo on twitter @ntiveheart
jayedee said…
i heart the endo etsy shop (ntiveheart)
jayedee said…
jayedee said…
posted on fb
Jill W said…
Cool shirts! I'm a runner and wish they had a running shirt, but I like them all anyway. I like this design the best. jmliwlliams at yahoo dot com
Jill said…
i like the 'bikes in a row' and tricycle shirts.
thanks for the chance to win.
Barb K. said…
Hi: Good contest. I like the t-shirt, I Sleep on the Ground. Good one.
My e-mail.
Barb K. said…
Follow on Google Friends Connect. Good Blog.
Dana West Young said…
I like the green all your bikes in a row shirt. Thanks for the giveaway!
Dana West Young said…
I like Wear Endo on FB
Dana West
Dana West Young said…
I follow Wear Endo on Twitter
Dana West Young said…
I follow Artsy Chaos on Twitter
Dana West Young said…
I like you on FB
Dana West
Dana West Young said…
I added Endo to my faves on Etsy!
Dana West Young said…
I follow you via GFC
Dana West
Dana West Young said…
jennifer said…
I like the all your bikes in a row one.
jenniferwlsn33 at gmail dot com
jennifer said…
gfc follower- jennifer wilson
jenniferwlsn33 at gmail dot com
Nancy said…
I like the Giant Tricycle design on the yellow t-shirt.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Nancy said…
I follow via GFC: allibrary.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Bernadette said…
I learned that Wear Endo is based in Salt Lake City, Utah
Bernadette said…
I like Wear Endo on facebook
Bernadette said…
I like Artsy Chaos on facebook

Facebook name: Bernadette
Bernadette said…
I follow Artsy Chaos via GFC
very married said…

I would definitely choose The Giant Tricycle One Tshirt - Request A Size (Small).
I love the All Your Bikes In a Row Tshirt

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
I like Wear Endo on facebook (Louis Here)

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
following @wearendo on twitter @left_the_stars

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
following you on twitter @left_the_stars

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
I like Artsy Chaos on facebook (Louis Here)

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
I *heart* Endo on etsy (rosidentevil)

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Baby Mama said…
I like the Sleep on the ground hoodie
Baby Mama said…
gfc sarah_roxy_21
Happy Camper said…
I really like their 'The Sleeping on the Ground Tshirt' design.
Happy Camper said…
Dana Beeman Likes Wear Endo on FB.
Happy Camper said…
@hazelfinn follows @wearendo on Twitter.
Happy Camper said…
@hazelfinn follows @ArtsyChaos on Twitter.
Happy Camper said…
'Dana Beeman' Likes Artsy Chaos on FB.
Happy Camper said…
Added Endo to my Favorites on Etsy as CreationSuite.
Happy Camper said…
Following Artsy Chaos with Google Friend Connect publicly via GFC.
Happy Camper said…
Tweeted Giveaway!/hazelfinn/status/56880836628328448
Unknown said…
I love Endo's "I sleep on the Ground" hoodie!!

jillian_vereb at hotmail dot com
Unknown said…
I liked Wear Endo on Facebook.
Jillian V.

jillian_vereb at hotmail dot com
lewalk said…
My fave design is the giant half bike. I love the design and the colors as well with the green blue on the brown.

lewalk said…
Like Wear Endo on FB as well.

Unknown said…
I liked Artsy Chaos on Facebook.
Jillian V.
jillian_vereb at hotmail dot com
lewalk said…
And follow them on Twitter.


lewalk said…
Follow you on Twitter too.

lewalk said…
Added Endo to my faves on Etsy.


lewalk said…

Gladys Parker said…
The grey big bike one - sps1113
gladys p
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Gladys Parker said…
like wear endo on fb
gladys p
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Gladys Parker said…
follow Artzy chaos on twitter
gladys p
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Gladys Parker said…
like the AC fb fan page
gladys p
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Gladys Parker said…
follow AC gfc
gladys p
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Gladys Parker said…
gladys p
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Gladys Parker said…
added Endo to favorits - sps1113
gladys p
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Gladys Parker said…
follow Endo on twitter
gladys p
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Erin S said…
4/9 tweet!/3sonshavei/status/56922989601624064
Unknown said…
Love the Yellow Tricycle Shirt!

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